Justin Flannery Hilton was born March 18, 1984. In May of 2008, Justin was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer that had metastasized to his liver. Prior to losing his battle on January 6th, 2013, Justin, living his motto of “I may have cancer, but cancer does not have me”, found a job, bought a car, got married, bought a home, and coached basketball. The way he lived his life provided strength to us all.
With the goal in mind of creating something good from a bad situation, K’s For Cancer was founded in his memory. The original concept was the idea of his best friend, Eric Shaner. As both Eric and Justin played years of baseball together, the K in our name was selected as the “K” represents a strikeout in baseball. Our shamrock logo was designed by Justin’s brother. The shamrock identifies Justin’s Irish heritage, with the stem, a cancer ribbon, honoring his fight.
We are a full volunteer organization providing financial support to Lycoming County residents treating for cancer. This is done through issuing Sheetz and/or Weis gift cards. Treating patients are eligible for support every six (6) months while in treatment.
We raise our funds primarily through corporate sponsors, donations, and two major events:
- Our annual JFH Leprechaun Fun Run & Ceilruradh* (kel lu rah), held in March, which features New Trail Brewing Company’s Flannery’s Irish Ale, brewed especially for us
- The annual Justin Flannery Hilton Memorial Golf Tournament, held in August
For more information on these events, and to learn more about K’s For Cancer, please visit us here and on Facebook.
We are pleased and proud to help our friends and neighbors in their time of need.